Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The proposal came through from someone who knew someone who knew his family. He was working overseas, and my aunt and uncle invited his parents over for tea.
This wasn't a tea ceremony. My aunt insisted, because the boy was not coming for the initial meeting. Only his parents.
She even suggested that we serve the food as a buffet, so I won't have to serve anyone!
I was planning to wear my usual work wear. Skirt and a top.
i even got my aunt to agree that she won't force me to wear saree at the 10th hr.
She promised.
Yet an hour before his parents visit,I was already a nervous wreck. I wasn't sure what I was getting in to.
Then my aunt looked at my outfit and spoke ever so gently
Oh, you look so young, they may think that you are not matured enough to be their daughter in law.
I am sure she knew how to emotionally manipulate me.
All my life I was trying to prove that I am matured enough to make the decisions that affects my life.
I didn't want anyone to think that I wasn't matured enough.
So I wore a saree!
My mother had plenty of advice.
Don't speak until you are spoken to.
Don't ask anything about their son. ( my family will do the asking!!!)
Don't laugh, smile gently.
Remember, first impression is the best impression.

The entire house was in festive mood.. My aunt and the maids were busy making sweets and other stuff for the visitors.
We had to impress.

Then they came.
I watched them from my bedroom window.
The most oddest thing was, the car seat still had the plastic cover the manufacturer had put at the time they made the car( at least 4 years ago!!)
That alone should have told me something, No?
within a few minutes his mother was talking about money.
Bargaining has already started.
My uncle informed them what my parents can afford and his mother said
'that is chicken feed, we spend this much to educate our son'
I felt humiliated.
My parents spend their money to educate me, just as they spend to educate their son. Just because I had xx chromosome and their son had xy chromosome, my parents hardships became irrelevant and theirs became relevant.

They had nothing to ask me, they had nothing to say about son.
Only gold and money.
I still thought i wasn't a cattle!

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Writing is the only way I can tell what I go through.

There is way too much of emotions and it is taking a toll on me..
Much as I love your comments, it is not possible for me to reply..because I am not able to think a reply.
Hopefully you can understand..